Volunteers Make the Difference!

Be a part of First Night! Artful activities are on-going now through the new year as we produce First Night Monterey. You can help! It would be impossible to produce FNM without the hundreds of volunteers. Volunteer now, individually or as part of a group! Get involved! Artful activities are on-going!

High School and College Students: Build up your community service hours; volunteer in a fun and creative environment! Expand your resumé with relevant experience; service learning hours are available.


Enjoy a casual atmosphere with flexible schedules; community service hours available!

  • Office Assistance is always needed! From helping with phones to organization to working with computer programs
  • Run Errands - Deliver and pick up items as needed, distribute posters & buttons
  • Outreach - Assist children and adults with art outreach projects
  • Visual Arts/Painting - help to create large scale art and murals for FNM
  • Graphic Arts - use your skills to design signs, flyers and posters
  • Social Media and Web - report/blog on current happenings using Twitter and Facebook! Design and make website updates


Assignments are made in 3-4 hour shifts according to your preferences - everyone gets a chance to enjoy performances. Free admission buttons for event volunteers!

  • Event Operations - Be a Site Manager or Assistant at a venue, use your sales aptitude to sell buttons and souvenirs at the event, or work at our hospitality venue
  • Tech & Production - work on event production behind the scenes; great experience for theatrical careers
  • Photo and Video - with your own equipment, be a staff photographer or videographer; great experience for developing photographers
  • Staging and Loading - help with event production, loading and moving equipment and art; art staging

You can make a difference!

First Night Monterey depends on volunteer support not just the night of the celebration, but in the months preceding FNM as well. Please complete your application today. Don't miss out!